YDL Battery close-up photos

Close-up photos for 866898 7200mAh lipo-ion battery
This is 7200mAh 866898 lipo-ion battery, this type battery made by a Material of Lithium Polymer. Different factories have different processes, we ...

Close-up photos for 905090 5000mAh lipo-ion battery
This is 5000mAh 905090 lipo-ion battery, this type battery made by a Material of Lithium Polymer. Different factories have different processes, we ...

Close-up photos for 403281 lipo-ion battery
This is 403281 lipo-ion battery, this type battery made by a Material of Lithium Polymer. Different factories have different processes, we offer th...

Close-up photos for 6060100 5000mAh lipo-ion battery
This is 5000mAh 6060100 lipo-ion battery, this type battery made by a Material of Lithium Polymer. Different factories have different processes, we...